Monday, September 13, 2010

Bits & Pieces

Here it is...the beginning of week two.  Now that I am back in school I have the opportunity to share with you the bits and pieces of conversation that I overhear from my middle school students.

O (7): "When is my birthday this year?"...
T (7):  "When was your birthday last year?"
O (7):  "It was on one of the days of the week."

Yeah...that narrows it down...

A (8): "Where's her face?!  I just had her face!"

I can't even begin to explain that...
...or this....

K (6): "Ooh...Turtles wearing scarves.  Now I get it."

But my favorite...

Starting my car to go to work this morning I hear the very last line of a story before the newscaster moves on to the next one...

"The musician known as "Bongo Jesus" was finally tazered into submission."

...and after sharing that sentence at work one of my co-workers offered this bit:

"Sounds like he was a little too bongo and not enough Jesus."

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