Monday, January 24, 2011

I Love My Mother

It is bitterly cold here in DC. The kind of cold that kills people...

Ok. So it's not "the coldest it's ever been" or even "as cold as it gets some places" but it is cold enough.  Cold enough to burn your face and numb your limbs.  Cold enough to freeze your lungs in place and frost your eardrums. 

And while my face is chilly and my knees are numb, the rest of me is like toast...because I'm wearing my coat....that my mom bought me.

I love my mom.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Refections? Or Not...

I am sitting here watching the Rose Bowl Parade and looking over blogs that I follow and reading facebook statuses...

There is a whole lot of reflecting going on.  I suppose that is natural but I have never really gotten into the whole "refecting over the last year as you bring in the new one".  I don't know why.  Maybe because reflecting on the past and looking forward to the future is something I do regularly throughout the year.  Some of my reflection times happen at regular June 5, August 31, and March 18...but there are other times of reflection that are brought about by random events.

a memory
                                                   a thought
                                                                                                  a picture
                                    a conversation
                                                                  a sound
               a smell

You get the idea.  Anyway, as far as I can recall, 2010 was pretty good.  I will reflect in detail later...right now, I'm enjoying the parade.